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- Queens -



Alice is one of our newest queens! She is one of our South African imports. Her pedigree is impeccable and we can't wait to see what kind of kittens she has! She is one of the softest and sweetest cats I have ever met. She just wants to be close to you at all times. Alice has zero sense of danger and is loved by all dearly. Her character can be described as drenched in honey. 



Snickers is one of the friendliest and most confident cats you'll meet. She happily took to a harness and goes on all sorts of adventures with us. She likes to say hello to people, lets strangers pet her all the time and I swear she knows what a camera is because the moment one comes out, she will sit and pose so perfectly for you. She loves her treats and enjoys being hand fed. 

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Dorothy, like Alice, is a South African import, so she also came from a far away land! She is very curious about everything and everyone. The moment she came home, she was on a mission to explore every bit of the house and befriend every cat. She is very confident and loves to play with wand toys. She'll show off her acrobatic skill doing all sorts of flips til she drops and comes over for some love.

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Daphne is a gentle and curious little soul, she enjoys sitting in front of the balcony screen and watching the birds, eating cheese, playing with her favorite red pompom ball and lounging on one single square foot area on the sectional which she strongly believes belongs solely to her and will look at you like you are personally hurting her feelings if you sit there. Daphne is fine being picked up by the kids and dragged around the house. She enjoys any attention and is perfectly content sitting in a lap and receiving head massages until she falls asleep. In return you get to heal from the day as she purrs in happiness until she falls asleep in your arms. 

Shaded Silver Chinchilla Traditional Persian


With her giant plume of a tail, Delphine is not as curious a her sister and thoroughly enjoys lounging in one spot without moving all day and letting people see her beauty and give her all the scratches she deserves. She will sometimes hop up and complain to me that no one has stopped to pet her for an entire HOUR and demand I take that duty upon myself immediately. Although she will play with toys and chase feathers if instigated, unlike Daphne, she will not willingly play with a toy by herself. She demands someone entertain her before she lifts a single paw. Delphine prefers a warm environment, preferably my arms or the inside of my sweater.  

Seal Point Himalayan


TiramiSusan, Su for short, looks and walks like a bandit but is the most laid back of all the queens. Although she does not demand attention, she will nonchalantly walk from room to room with you and just lounge near you at all times. You can pick her up and scratch her belly, or, as my daughter does, wipe your tears with the back of her paws, massage between her toes, boop the snoot.. however you want to show her your affection, she will take it with a bored look on her face as she purrs contently. She walks like she just got off a horse, and looks like she just pulled off the perfect heist.

Su always finds a way to be nearby. She loves her people and will happily greet us by body slamming herself to the floor and showing her belly.

Blue Persian



Barbara is an absolute joy of a cat. She is playful, sweet, loves everyone and is constantly staring at me until I call her over for pets and scratches. She enjoys lasers, patte, finding and ripping open bags of freeze dried treats and getting super high off catnip if I forget to stash it high enough away. She will stalk Biggles just to jump over him and do that skidding-drift move across the floor trying to get away thinking he won't see who did it if she's fast enough.

Golden Traditional Persian

Retired and looking for a home


Brigit is definitely the sassiest of all the queens. This gorgeous girl is nothing but a big ball of fluff, silk, purrs and sass. She enjoys pranking the other queens by running up, batting them and running off. She is in no way sneaky because her coat is so large and in charge, we think it creates a speed barrier and slows her down as she peels away. If you saw her in the shadows, you might mistake her for a raccoon simply because she's so poofy. She loves attention and cheek rubs the most. 

Tortie Point Himalayan Traditional Persian

Retired and looking for a home


Mittens is the least dignified of the queens and doesn't mind showing it. She will stalk around the house yowling until someone stops to pet her. If she feels it wasn't enough she'll continue to demand more. She has absolutely no boundaries and will shove her face into ours to rub cheeks and noses. Mittens is the biggest sweetheart with the most loving nature.  Sometimes Mittens will have sporadic bursts of energy and do a lap around the house before dramatically flopping in front of you for love. No matter what she does, she will usually come check in and make sure your hands still work for cheek and ear scratches.

- Kings -


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